This is my first year teaching Social Studies, as it has always been my prep before. This being said, I`m a pack of nerves while planning this! Our first topic of study is Urban and Rural Communities.
How do I make this exciting and engaging? That's a tough one, since I don't remember enjoying this subject all that much when I was in school. Well, I stumbled upon something on the National Geographic website. I LOVE National Geographic, and it`s not just because I`m the biggest dog Whisperer fan there is`. It`s also due to the fact that it`s an amazing resource. It`s in English, but you can`t be picky when you`re a French teacher. You have to settle for the resources that are available in French (some of which are great), or find some awesome English ones and become a translating machine. I chose to become the machine. This link has lead me to other websites containing LIVE webcams all over the world!
Today, we spent a very long time observing what was happening in Time Square. We analyzed it to the point where we had a very, VERY long list of characteristics of an urban community. The majority of the students, and myself have never been to New York, so we were mesmorized! The kids were speaking French, using the vocabulary we had already seen to properly describe what they saw.
We then explored Mount Wilson; a rural community. The kids had almost as much to say about this as they did about Time Square. They even pointed out little things that I hadn`t noticed!
So, please, do yourself a favour and check out this link! Even if you don't teach Social Studies, I`m sure you can use it for something. It'll hook the kids, I swear!
Madame Stéphanie :)
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